Reese's Peanut Butter Cups - Guilty Pleasure!

“Forget love, I’d rather fall in Reese’s peanut butter cups” - Sounds so "forever alone" but this gave me a good laugh when my friend texted me this.

Women crave foods due to unwanted stimuli and our emotional state, rather than satisfying hunger. There are times we feel anxious, hurt, stressed, or depressed and the only thing that can rescue us from these feelings is our favourite food! So, one way of explaining cravings is self-medication for feeling miserable. As for me, Reese’s is my maintenance drug.

I believe it’s important to indulge once in a while and for me this usually involves Reese's peanut butter cups. 
Credits to Reese's for this photo

My friends know how much I hankered for that photo of Reese's, and look what they gave me on my birthday:

Close enough! :)
Forget heartaches, forget stress, forget all your problems - you have your friends, family and your guilty pleasure (mine is Reese's).

Chomping right now!
There's a big difference between treating and gorging. It’s OK to treat yourself occasionally. Eat it out of love and choice, and make sure that it's not causing harm to your health. Eat consciously, slowly and wholeheartedly, while you fall in sweets.

How about you? What rescues you when you're down?


  1. such a yummy look it have.m loving it.

  2. That is one mean cake. I love reeses and also another peanut butter based chocolate, butterfinger. This is definitely a happy food.

  3. I love reeese's too! with peanuts! it too sweet for me though we have really times that we just indulge haha xxx

  4. Lately, I find myself munching on my favorite snacks here at work. I admit, I have been feeling a little down. Hersheys Kisses never fails to liven me up.

  5. ooooooh super yummy nga! i also like reese's but i'm really more a dark chocolate addict. hehe.


Thank you explorer! --- Always challenge yourself to do something you have never done before. ♥